In August this year, the number of student enquiries passed on to tutors through the Tutor Pages passed the 10,000 mark. This is a significant achievement for a company which only launched at the beginning of 2008.
Moreover, the actual number of enquiries is significantly higher than 10,000 – that’s because this figure excludes enquiries made to some tutors who have included their own website on our Pages.
Unlike a simple classifieds site, we take care to check every enquiry that’s made through the The Tutor Pages to make sure it’s genuine. We now even have the technology to monitor exactly which tutors, which subjects and which areas are doing the best. That means we can adjust our advertising campaigns to make sure all of our registered tutors are happy with the number of enquiries that are coming through to them.
For more on The Tutor Pages statistics, see our monthly stats page. Or see how The Tutor Pages works.
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Sounds like a good idea. Keep it up!