Carol Vorderman has launched an online maths school – – to help children and their parents master maths. Looking at the video on the site, the materials seem pretty impressive, and Carol’s enthusiasm is palpable.
- the ‘free sample sessions’ advertised on the homepage don’t appear to be currently available;
- there’s no evidence presented for why her system might work as well as she promises (though, to be fair, she’s published very popular educational maths books for Dorling Kindersley, and has worked hard to promote maths across the political divide);
- although parents are subscribing to a software product (albeit a sophisticated one), the promotion material is quite cheeky in appropriating the language of private one-to-one tuition – for example, ‘Carol Vorderman is your child’s personal tutor and she’s passionate about maths. We teach on a one-to-one basis’;
- the survey which the The Maths Factor launch is piggy-backing on (revealing that one in five primary primary school pupils receive extra help from a private tutor) is not startling, and confirms data from earlier studies.
Finally, the most amusing detail of this story has to be the reaction to the survey by former chief inspector of schools Chris Woodhead, as reported in The Daily Telegraph:
“This statistic demonstrates how Labour has failed generations of primary schoolchildren … Nothing is more important to children’s education than being able to read, write and add up. Billions of pounds have been spent to no avail.”
Leaving aside the hyperbole, I’d like to see the statistics to support Chris’s assertion that ‘billions of pounds’ were spent to ‘no avail’. Then we’ll see who can or can’t ‘add up’.
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I managed to get the free sample lessons to show and they looked great! I had to wait a few seconds but was worth the little wait. I’m guessing it was because everyone went on the lessons at the same time after her being TV.
I can’t wait to go on tomorrow and subscribe as my daughter needs all the help she can with her maths and it is much cheaper than paying for a weekly tutor!
I had a play with the free lessons (you need to click on products, then find out more and then free lessons) once you’re on this page you can try a few different hiomeworks which are brilliant.
It will definitely help my son who has always struggled with maths and I’ve invested hundreds of pounds into private tuition. Can’t wait to get him started.
If the government are keen to improve the mathematical ability of children why is there a subscription charge for this website. Those children who are socially and economically deprived may be theones who need this support most and are disadvantaged because of the cost. Good though it may be it should be free to everyone.
I agree that the Government should be helping out more with Maths ability for children but the problem is they’re NOT!! so until this gets sorted (which will probably be after my daughter has finished school) I want her to improve at maths as much as she can so this seems like the best option without spending hundreds or even thousands of pounds into private tutition like Nicky has!
Thank you Carol Vorderman for providing a cheaper substitue for math tutition.