We’ve just updated our free guide for private tutors in the UK which can be downloaded from The Tutor Pages website.
Several sections have been updated, including the all important information on sorting out your self-employed tax (see my previous post on the current relevance of this).
Recently, The Tutor Pages LinkedIn discussion page has also become pretty popular. For example, there’s been a useful discussion on how tutors can establish clear terms & conditions when working with students and/or parents. In fact, Sara Chatterton’s comments on this topic were so good that we’ve included them in our e-book!:
I have been stung a few times in the past so I now always give new pupils a pack when they start. The pack includes my CRB (though in the past no-one ever asked to see it), my business card with all contact details and my terms. If anyone cancels with less than 48 hours notice then I reserve the right to charge in full for the missed lesson. I am running a business and I don’t see why I should have to lose out if someone is ill or forgets. That said I do have some families that have been with me for years and been very fair with me. If they are ill then I would try to rearrange if at all possible. Since I have given out the pack I have less cancellations.
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Thanks! I’ll be making sure that everyone we use have at least read your guide. We’ll be encouraging them to download it from you.