Ok, so this isn’t really a Christmas deal, because it’s likely to be a long term offer. However, I’ve been informed of it in time for Christmas!
In short, The Tutors’ Association (TTA) is offering independent tutors a significant price reduction on membership if they apply as a cluster of 5 tutors. Under these conditions, membership which usually costs £102+VAT drops to only £60, including VAT.
This offer comes as TTA has been confirming some of the developments in their independent tutor membership package:
- firstly, as with a number of similar organisations, a free legal helpline will be included in the membership fee;
- secondly, TTA have negotiated an extremely favourable rate of only £50 for both Public Liability and Professional Indemnity cover up to £1 million each;
- thirdly, it should be possible to apply for DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) certificates through TTA, though the details of this are not yet finalised.
For further updates on this, follow our discussions on The Tutor Pages Linkedin Group, and to apply as a group of five tutors for TTA membership, please contact TTA via their website thetutorsassociation.org.uk.
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A Christmas deal for tutors from The Tutors’ Association | The Tutor Blog http://t.co/cbXM64wfBb via @thetutorpages