Bright Young Things/ Tutorcruncher are organising what they call the National Tutoring Conference in London on 10th February 2015.
The line-up of confirmed speakers and topics so far is as follows:
- Chris Lenton (The Tutors’ Association) – The future of the industry in the UK. The role of individuals, companies, charities and government.
- Daniel Thomas (Education Investor editor) – How the Education Industry is changing and how this affects the tutoring industry.
- Will Orr Ewing (Keystone Tutors) – The last 10 years. Where has the demand come from – Where it is going.
- Alexander Nikitich (Carfax Education) – Internationalisation of the market
- Tom Hooper (Third Space Learning) – Working with Schools and Interactive Learning
- Susannah Hardyman (Action Tutoring) – Using tutoring to tackle educational inequality
Anyone with an interest in the UK’s private tuition industry is welcome to attend. For further details, visit:
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I, and many other tutors I know, missed this conference due to other commitments and as it sold out. I heard there was another in April. Would anyone know the details of this?
Tom, we don’t have any information on an April conference. It would be best to contact Tutorcruncher or BYT about this.