Being the founder of an elegant, no-nonsense website for private tuition, I was impressed when I came across Canada-based resource for English language tutors, Off2Class. Here’s why:
We believe that all high quality ESL teachers have the ability to generate independent income – independent of school administrators, school districts or online tutoring portals (
It’s rare for a company to celebrate the independence of tutors as their starting point. With that in mind, Off2Class has got to work in building a library of lesson content tailored for English conversation classes either face-to-face or online.
The idea is to help tutors reduce their preparation time, create a high quality learning experience and deliver a professional look for their business – without trying to monetize the tutor-student interaction itself. It’s a hands-off approach which strikes a chord with The Tutor Pages’ ethos.
English language tutors can trial Off2Class for 30 days, and then subscribe at low cost on a monthly basis if they like what they see.
The subscription doesn’t just include lesson plans: there are homework assignments for students, teacher notes and a clever system of tracking students’ progress.
What’s more, Off2Class have even dissected our recent report into online tuition in the UK, and pulled out the most useful findings for online ESL tutors. Bravo!
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Off2Class: English lesson plans for busy tutors | The Tutor Blog via @thetutorpages