Next week at 7pm UK time on Wednesday 3rd June I’ll be presenting a free webinar for WizIQ to discuss the findings of The Tutor Pages recent report into online tuition. It’ll cover such questions as:
- Who is tutoring online, and which subjects are popular?
- How do online tutors find new clients?
- How does income from tutoring online compare with that from face-to-face tuition?
- How reliable are online clients compared to face-to-face clients?
- What kind of technology are tutors using online – what kinds of equipment, video services, whiteboards and virtual classroom technology are popular?
- How do students/ parents pay for online lessons?
- What do tutors believe the benefits of online tuition are, and is there disagreement over this?
- Finally, what are the barriers to successful online tuition?
If this interests you, do join me on WizIQ. The webinar details are below:
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Webinar on online tuition | The Tutor Blog via @thetutorpages
Looking forward to it!
unfortunately I am not free at that time so can I view the recorded session and in case I have questions related to this , can I ask afterwards?
Hi Amit,
Yes, a recording of the session will be available afterwards!
Looks like a great webinar, too bad I’m late for the party. Wondering where can I watch the recorded session?
The recording of the webinar can be viewed here:
Thanks. Great webinar by the way.